Clapper: Snowden caused ‘massive historical’ security damage; Cannibal: bollocks

US director of national snooping Mr Clapper claimed yesterday that whistleblower Edward Snowden caused massive damage to intelligence interests. The Cannibal responded: 'Big, fat bollocks.' Clapper is tasked with spying on everyone in the world, and now he is one seriously embarrassed monkey. He would like us to believe that Snowden is a threat so … Continue reading Clapper: Snowden caused ‘massive historical’ security damage; Cannibal: bollocks

If you are innocent, you have nothing to fear

I was sitting in the bath the other night when I was surprised to see a periscope rise out of the water at my feet. A glassy eye in the lens fixed on me while I attempted to preserve some dignity with my flannel. 'Do not be alarmed,' said the periscope. 'Why not?' I asked. … Continue reading If you are innocent, you have nothing to fear