Well, it’s all about sovereignty, innit. We want our country back. #EUreferendum

Well, it’s all about sovereignty, innit. We want our country back. But Britain is a sovereign nation. The only body that can make laws for Britain is the government of Britain. Sure, many of those laws have to be aligned with the EU but Britain can say no, it can opt out when the country … Continue reading Well, it’s all about sovereignty, innit. We want our country back. #EUreferendum

There are some who say that the EU is undemocratic #EUreferendum

There are some who say that the EU is undemocratic. Good. I look forward to their campaigns to get rid of the UK’s unelected head of state, I look forward to them supporting the dissolution of the UK’s unelected second chamber of Parliament, the House of Lords, I eagerly anticipate them forbidding unelected media owners … Continue reading There are some who say that the EU is undemocratic #EUreferendum

Brexiteers in need of some sex education

Seems that Britain's campaign to leave the EU has gone to delightfully witty (and presumably short) lengths to get their message across. Brexiteers have begun distributing condoms printed with the messages: 'Vote leave: It's riskier to stay in', and 'Vote Leave: it's riskier to stay in.' They don't seem to realise that the point of … Continue reading Brexiteers in need of some sex education