It isn’t just the pepper spray that makes you cry

Wonderful Harper’s Review this week. This short excerpt gives a snapshot of the contradictions and folly our species. Vis:

Protesters with the Occupy Wall Street movement ate donated Thanksgiving dinners in encampments across the country, while occupations in Philadelphia and Los Angeles faced eviction deadlines. “We’ve been sitting around, drinking coffee,” said a Philadelphia occupier. “This is bringing us back together.” In the course of Black Friday sales across the United States, police knocked a grandfather unconscious at a Walmart in Arizona and tasered a man at a Walmart in Alabama; an off-duty police officer pepper-sprayed unruly shoppers at a Walmart in North Carolina; a woman pepper-sprayed fellow shoppers to get to a discounted Xbox 360 at a Walmart in California; and customers rioted over $2 waffle irons at a Walmart in Arkansas. Andrea True, singer of the disco song “More, More, More,” died. I.B.M. noted a downward trend in the height of high-heeled shoes. 

Oh, and before I forget — from the same review:

The Vatican’s chief exorcist warned Catholics about the dangers of yoga. “You think you are doing it for stretching,” said Father Gabriele Amorth, “but it leads to Hinduism.”

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